Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Age Of New Imperialism - 1944 Words

The ‘Age of New Imperialism’ in Britain was a time of prosperity and total domination. Compared to previous years of imperialism, this period was focused primarily on benefitting the colonial power, Britain, instead of establishing new settlements. Even though the British imperialism of the late 19th century/early 20th century brought great wealth, knowledge, and technological advancements to the country, it was at the expense of many ‘other’ people in the empire. Britain, and Europe as a whole, had to find a way to justify their ‘superiority’ over these other countries subsequently leading scientists decided to use their background and knowledge to create disciplines that had racist ideologies at the root. These pseudo-sciences were constructed to rationalize the imperialism during the 19th century. This paper will discuss some of the most influential sciences produced during the late 19th century, including social Darwinism, eugenics, and phr enology, that were used to justify British Imperialism and how they supported imperialism. White is the supreme race, non-White people are inferior, White people are the ones with all the achievements in the world – these ideologies and theories, though formally constructed in the late 1800s, were created from discussions long before. The idea of race superiority has existed since the 15th and 16th centuries, early days of African slavery, but at that time it was supported by religion and God. In the early 16th century, a SwissShow MoreRelatedImperialism : The Age Of New Imperialism1048 Words   |  5 PagesImperialism is defined as a strong economic and political empire takes over a weaker economic and political empire. Stronger empires conquered weaker empires to industrialize the land and to weaken other threating empires. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Policing Paper Free Essays

Policing Paper Tyrone L. Sterling University of Phoenix Survey of Justice and Security AJS/502 Dr. Pamela Knothe June 14, 2012 Policing Paper The City of Chicago has adopted a new tool to use against fighting crime. We will write a custom essay sample on Policing Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is what is known as the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS). Many people have never heard of the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS). The Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy came about in April 1993 and was first implemented in five of the 25 police districts in Chicago. Rogers Park, Morgan Park, Austin, Marquette, and Englewood were the first locations of the CAPS Program. The reasons these locations were picked was determined by their crime problems, economics, demographics, and their levels of community organization. In 1994 the other 20 districts of Chicago were participants of the CAPS Program. Outreaching is always a very important goal when there is a merger of organizations. In this case it is collaboration between a community and law enforcement (Chicago Police department) agencies. The benefits of incorporating this idea could include (but not limited to) the sharing of information, and increase trust between parties hat were involved or mainly working together to prevent crimes from taking place. One key point that makes the CAPS a unique program is that it places the community, the police, and other city agencies on the same sheet of music in protect their neighborhoods against crime. In law enforcement it is always better to be proactive than reactive, and developing additional support always give him or her the upper hand. Crime prevention at the neighborhood level is effective because the use of new technology to help police and residents target crime hot spots. More efficient use of city services that affects crime, extensive training for both police and ommunity, neighborhood-based beat officers and regular beat community meetings involving police and residents. One main goals of the CAPS program is to implement successful and effective way to make neighborhoods safer by improving the quality of life. With the United States the CAPS program has been recognized as one effective and proactive means of police and community involvement in the fight against crime. In relatio n to functions of patrol, crime investigation, emergency, and critical incident response and future trends of the CAPS program. One key point of functions of patrolling could be the proactive vigilance of the community (individual neighborhoods) in taking preventive measures in developing an increase of their crime rates. Crime investigations are still the sole responsibility of the Chicago police department; however, it is always easier to investigate crimes when he or she does have the support of the community backing him or her up. This has proven to be very effective means of adding in investigations, instead of the community not wanting to get involve, like it was in the past. With relation to emergency and critical incident response, there have been positive comments that have been said about the CAPS program involvement in reporting certain situations. It is hard to predict the future brings for the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) Program. Observing past trends from when the program was first started, one could see how crime has gone down, the community has gotten more involve in the prevention of crimes in their neighborhoods. Above all the CAPS program has been identified as one of the best programs in the United States in community and police collaboration. I know with any new program, there are budget stipulations. However, because this program has had positive reviews and comments, I think funding may not be an issue. In conclusion, the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) Program was explained as well as the origin. It was also noted when and above all why it was incorporated. There are ongoing discussions of how private security agencies and policing work together. There are few (if any) discussions of the role that a particular community and policing affect each other. In this instance the Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy (CAPS) Program should be followed and modeled in communities across the nation. In looking at the pros and cons of the CAPS Program, there are far many pros that outweigh the cons. In fact that alone shows the effectiveness of the program. For any other community, district, city, or metropolitan area; this program should be the basis of law enforcement and community collaboration. Reference: https://portal. chicagopolice. org/portal/page/portal/ClearPath/Get%20Involved/How%20CAPS%20works/What%20is%20CAPS How to cite Policing Paper, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The United States Postal Service free essay sample

The United States Postal Service has gone through some major changes in the past twenty-five years due to the increase in popularity of technologies such as email, fax machines, the internet and mobile phones. Sending letters and paying bills using the traditional method of using stamps no longer became the preferred method of sending correspondence. The postal service realized that major changes needed to be made and therefore decided to implement a quality improvement program utilizing the balanced scorecard approach. The following paragraphs summarize my thoughts and conclusions on their improvement process using the â€Å"voice† of the customer, employee and business. It’s interesting to see in companies how at first glance employees that have no customer interaction actually affect customer service and the financial results of a business. What may seem as unrelated parts of a business; the customer, the employee and business operations are not separate entities but instead they are all interrelated. For example, the Voice of the Employee supports improved internal processes (the Voice of the Business) for the simple reason that satisfied employees will make a company run smoother and therefore more profitable. There are many examples; low morale leads employees to do just enough of their job duties to get by and not to do any extra work or contribute any valuable ideas. However, if employees feel valued, they are more willing to share ideas for improvement which may help the company eliminate waste and save money. Employees that get along and show respect for one another will spend their day focusing on their jobs instead of wasting time bickering and involved in office politics which will decrease overall productivity. Violence or sexual harassment in the workplace may lead to costly lawsuits which will affect company profitability even if it is as minor as attorney fees, however proper training will teach employees the importance of acceptable behavior in the workplace. Informing employees that their safety and well-being matters to the company will affect a company’s insurance rates. With proper safety training, not only for the OSHA certification requirements, but also for minor accident prevention such as slips, trips and falls can save companies thousands of dollars in unnecessary hospital bills, insurance rates and worker’s compensation claims. Job training, tuition reimbursement and other avenues for learning and improving and career advancement provide a stable work environment with less employee turnover and a greater company loyalty with opportunities for promotions and advancement, decreasing the expense of hiring new employees on a regular basis. The Voice of the Business supports customer satisfaction by improved processes, streamlining operations in all areas and departments to become more efficient. This efficiency as it relates to the post office will result in a lower incidence of mail and packages delivered to the wrong address. The business can also support customer satisfaction by giving the customer access to their services even though the post office may be closed at the time. Examples include a vending machine for stamps inside stores or shipping kiosks inside department or Target stores so customers can ship gifts directly from the store. The post office should also have attendants that are cross-trained. They can sort mail during lull times and work a register during peak times. All too often there are long lines at the post office but available stations. The customer service call center at the USPS could use some revision. With complicated menus and vague options, it is difficult to reach an attendant to find an answer. I would like to include another measure that does not appear to be on the balanced scorecard; competitiveness. Since FedEx and UPS began to compete with the postal service for reliable package delivery for businesses, they have been constantly eroding away at USPS’s market share. Although recently the USPS has started a marketing campaign aimed at the affordability and reliability of small businesses using the postal service, FedEx and UPS are still a major threat to the postal service profitability which makes the measure of competitiveness such an importance I think it should be included. Here are few ideas that could possibly help the USPS regain some of their market share. I think the USPS should find a niche that UPS and FedEx cannot fulfill like the speedy delivery of first class packages. Since UPS’s and FedEx’s base pricing starts at one pound packages, the USPS can take over this underserved market by allowing customers to ship First Class packages (under 16 ounces) with tracking from USPS. com. Currently if a business would like to ship First Class packages with tracking, they need to subscribe to a service like stamps. com or endicia. com for a fee of $15/month. Another option is to continue to offer Saturday delivery because UPS and FedEx do not deliver on weekends. Team up with stationary and greeting card websites like papyrusonline. com or Hallmark. com and offer greeting cards that come with pre-stamped envelopes that have pre-paid postage which costs less than a first class stamp(bulk mail rates) or have a collection of bulk mail greeting cards that will be sent out by Hallmark or Papyrus. The post office can also start a campaign to bring back the delight of receiving greeting cards in the mail as opposed to nowadays receiving only bills and junk mail. According to Robert Kaplan and David Norton, there are four perspectives of the balanced scorecard; Financial, Internal, Customer, and Innovation and Learning. They felt that there were other measures besides traditional financial performance to measure a company’s success. To conclude my thoughts here are two opposing viewpoints to the balanced scorecard method. The main advantage of using a balanced scorecard approach is that this method is a way to measure company performance that is not related to the financial aspect of the company. Another advantage is that the scorecard is tailored to the company’s needs and is designed around their unique operations. Also, a company can measure past performance and evaluate it next to current and estimated future performance. The disadvantage is that there is not a single set of identical metrics that you can use to compare the company in question to a high performance company; by using a balanced scorecard approach to compare improvements between different companies is similar to comparing apples to oranges. Another disadvantage is that this type of method is labor intensive and may be expensive to implement.